My Life of Miracles - Pt 15

My Life of Miracles - Pt 15

Sometime around 1984 my dad was having trouble swallowing. They went to many different doctors in an attempt to get a diagnosis. There were some crazy suggestions, none of which were right.

Since my mother’s brother was an MD, he did a referral to MD Anderson Hospital in Houston, TX. You couldn’t get in without one.

The Found It

Within just a few moments with Dr. Gepfort, he found a cancerous tumor in my father’s esophagus. All the weeks and months of seeking a diagnosis in Oklahoma had caused them to lose precious time.

My life of miracles part 15

My father was admitted to the hospital and they had to removed not only his esophagus but also his voice box. That was devastating news, but at least they had gotten all the cancer.

Slow Recovery

My dad was not quick to recover however, and remained in the ICU for several weeks. About six weeks in, he got pneumonia.

I had remained in Oklahoma. The kids were in school, and I had a small flower shop to operate as well as the family farm. It was summertime, so it was the busy season for the farm. My mom would call with daily updates.

One day while I was working at the flower shop my mom called me. She had called to tell me that the doctors had told her that it didn’t look good and that I should fly down to see my father before he passed away.

Come and Say Good-bye

I knew that words were the rudder that navigated our lives, so I simply said. “I’ll call you back.”

I went to the front of my flower shop and locked the front door so no one would come in. I knew I was going to lay on the floor and deeply intercede for my father’s life.

I laid on the floor on my back and looked up at the clock. I had been Spirit filled for about nine years by that time. I had prayed in the Spirit many times over many situations. I had even entered into deep intercession a few times.

I Knew to Pray in The Spirit

This day though,when I began to pray in the Spirit and move into that deep intercession, it was incredibly different. The words were hard to utter and they didn’t flow as usual. But, I continued.

As I prayed, I saw my father’s ICU room. I had never been there and had no idea what it looked like. But in a vision, as I prayed, I saw it.

There in the room was a black entity hovering over my dad’s body. I knew it was the angel or rather demon of death. I continued to pray and saw two large angles grab the demon, one on each side of him. They drug him to the corner of the room and held him there.

The Angel of Death

I continued to pray. I wanted that demon to be removed completely from the room. But, soon I realized that the intercession was over having finished its work. Even though it had only lasted for a few minutes, it was the hardest physical, mental, and spiritual battle I had ever experienced.

I opened my eyes, looked at the time and then drifted off to sleep from exhaustion. I only slept for about twenty minutes. When I woke up I called my mom and simply said, “I’m not coming.”

Many times our actions confirm our beliefs. I knew what had been done in the spirit realm. Staying put was a stand that showed I believed in what I had seen and what I knew.

Your Response Reflects Your Belief

This was not something I had to think about and decide to do in order to make a statement. I just knew there was no need for me to come because he would be fine.

I told my mom about my experience praying and that I had prayed until I felt it broken over him. She then asked me what time that was and I told her.

She began to cry. She had been in the room at the time and she said at the exact time I felt the release, my father took a big sigh of relief and let it go. In that room with my father she saw the result of what I had seen and felt in the spirit realm.

And, in just about a week, my father was removed from the ICU for the first time since his surgery several weeks prior. His health continued to improve and came home one month from being released from ICU.

He Healed and Came Home

He did have to make several trips back and forth from Oklahoma to MD Anderson for radiation treatment. But was soon back home where he continued to improve.

I know that many people who are Christians, and who love and serve the Lord, have said that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues passed away with the disciples. There are others who agree it still exists today but, that it isn’t for everyone.

Many Christians feel that receiving the Holy Spirit when they became a Christian is good enough and that they don’t need all the supernatural what-not.

They Are Missing Out On So Much

This makes me very sad. I know that God designed for us to live fully immersed in the Holy Spirit inside and out, and as Paul said praying in the Spirit at all times.

Why? Well for so many reasons. We often don’t know what we should be praying for but the Holy Spirit does, and when you pray in the Spirit which is in tongues, you are praying exactly what needs to be prayed so that the problem will be resolved.

We often don’t know what is exactly going on in the spirit realm so our prayers with words of understanding are often not the words we should be praying.

Romans 8:26-27
26) Now in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; 27) and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God

There are times I’ve felt the urge to pray in the Spirit and had no idea why, but I knew my obedience was needed and prayers would be answered because of it. In fact I know in those times that someone's life may be dependent on it.

Fearing What You Don't Understand

Many Christians shy away from it because it seems too ‘mystical’ and they fear it. They fear that they can’t control it or that they may do embarrassing things like roll on the floor and scream out.

I’ve never done either of those things. I won’t speak about those who do, but for me I’ve always known that I have complete control over when and where I pray in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and won’t violate the free will that God the Father has given us.

It makes me sad to know that so many people could have helped their loved ones, and even themselves by praying in the Spirit. God does hear our natural prayers and he does answer them, but having a hotline to voice the perfect prayer is priceless.

It Doesn't Make Us Perfect

Does being Baptized in the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues make us perfect? No, it does not. What it does, is gives us a tool that gives us an edge over and above to use as we need.

If I had not been baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and had not learned how to intercede in the Spirit, I believe my father would have never left that ICU which would have had more serious repercussions.

This was just a means to an end that I will write about in a coming blog post. Living a life in the Spirit is multi-faceted and so exciting. I wouldn’t want to live any other way.

Read more about praying in the Holy Spirit. This is a document that I prepared with multiple scriptures.

 I want to encourage you to leave me any comments below. They are so encouraging and motivating to me. 

... stay tuned for many more of my life miracles...


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